Progress September 2024

Week Two

A busy time this week with Monday seeing the final side sheet lifted and clamped into place on the 541 tender tank and a few bits and pieces painted.

On Tuesday, the tender tank’s coal hole had strengthening angle and the door runners drilled and trial bolted into position

plus the holding brackets for the toolbox sides were made and drilled and the front lifting eyes bolted into position ready for riveting.

More crinoline work was done for 4253’s boiler 

and the regulator box was again trial fitted after the retaining studs had been shortened.  Wednesday saw the chimney transported down to the Bluebell Railway to be machined to accept the blower ring.

Friday’s job was giving the regulator rod a final clean and then carrying it round to the boiler 

and feeding it into the regulator box 

until it emerged as the backhead to have the stuffing box trial fitted just to check that it all fitted OK.

After that the steam pipes from the regulator box to the superheater header were also trial fitted.

On Sunday it was back to the 541 tender tank with the last side sheet getting tacked into position, the main baffle welded in and the front side sheets drilled and countersink for the toolbox brackets to be riveted on.

The side support bars at the rear were cut to length and weld prepped 

and the top angle for the rear sheet was cut and the corners shaped.  The rear sheet was brought inside and lifted into place so that the final position of the end of the side sheets could be set and one side tacked up as a datum followed by the top angle being positioned and tacked into place.  

Yes, it was put up with the inside facing out but this was just a temporary placement for sizing after which it came down again.  Finally, the top panel that forms the rear of the coal space was also brought in to have new angle side brackets cut and marked for drilling.

Week One

During the week we had people drilling out the holes for the cross braces on the 541 tender tank in readiness for riveting them into position 

and the reaming and countersinking of all the holes to attach the door closing plates while others continued with the work of making the crinoline bands for 4253’s boiler 

and, once they’d been trial fitted and fettled where necessary, the finished pieces were given a coat of primer.

Work on all the retaining studs in the smokebox has been completed and the next job there is to fit the regulator box.

Sunday’s work was riveting on the 541 tender tank with, firstly, all the cross braces being done

which involved some serious contortions to get at some of them.

This was followed by riveting on the angle that attaches the toolboxes to the front panel 

and then lowering the entire toolbox assembly into position, 

bolting it up and then riveting it to the front plate.

At one point we found an unexpected visitor wandering around in the field – a large tortoise.  One of the guys went knocking on doors and the owner was quickly located and reunited with the escapee.

Finally, the new handrail ends we need have now been machined and are awaiting collection.