2018 Blog
December 2018
- Eccentrics, expansion links and eccentric rods fitted
- Splasher to protect vacuum pump made and trial fitted
- Boiler barrel repair section welded in under supervision of boiler inspector
- Lower slide bar on fireman’s side aligned and fitted
November 2018
- Eccentric strap white metal bearings scraped to fit
- New thrust washers machined for motion components
- Splash covers made for rear wheels
- New slide bar pins made
October 2018
- Scraping in of eccentric bearings started
- Driver’s side valve chest rebored
- Draincock assemblies fitted
- New die blocks fitted to expansion links
September 2018
- Fireman’s side valve chest rebored
- New expansion link die blocks bored
- New bushes made and fitted to the inside motion
- New smokebox dart bar finished
August 2018
- Start made on installing boring machine to bore valve chests
- Superheater header cleaned out
- New motion pins made
- Welding of new ashpan completed
July 2018
- New smokebox dart bar finished
- Superheater header steam pipes reburbished
- Steam pipe to smokebox sealing plates made
- Injector pipework fitting continues
June 2018
- Motion components measured for new pins
- Ashpan tunnel sections welded in and ground back
- Injector delivery pipework started
- New boiler barrel section drilled and prepped for welding
May 2018
- Damper doors made and fitted to ashpan
- New dart bar parts fabricated
- Missing brake beam safety chains made and fitted
- Slipper block oil pots machined
April 2018
- Cab refitted after final riveting
- Second injector overflow pipe made and fitted
- Ashpan outer framework now fully assembled
- Fabrication of water supply copper pipework started
March 2018
- White metal poured for the eccentrics
- Construction of new ash pan started
- First injector overflow pipe made and fitted
- Tool box and window hinges fitted
February 2018
- All brake pull rods fitted
- Both injectors fitted
- Final riveting on cab undertaken
- Building up of boiler barrel base completed
January 2018
- Riveting on of new boiler barrel section started
- Remaining accessible lap seam rivets replaced
- Old white metal removed from eccentrics
- Cab removed for final riveting