Progress April 2020

Week One
Still no work at Rolvenden but, behind the scenes, progress is still being made. Boiler work continues with the backhead being marked out for attaching the new manifold pad

followed by drilling and trial fitting.

The initial sections of platework for 5668’s tanks are being laser cut and folded and Dave S has been busy at home varnishing the wooded armrests for the top of 4353’s tanks in the cab.
One aggravation has been the discovery that the body of the lubricator warming cock was found to be porous but, following some phone calls, another has been located and purchased together with an ashpan watering cock.
Finally, for anyone wondering what to do with the money they’re saving by not eating out, not filling the car up and not going on holiday we have the answer. Help the Final Push Boiler Appeal by buying a share – hit that big red button on the Home Page and all will be revealed.